Spanish Courses Unamuno in Santander

To study Spanish in Santander

We recommend:

Spanish Courses Unamuno  in Santander

The school is located in Cardenal Cisneros Street, 76-D . 39007 Santander - Cantabria

See map longer

Cardenal Cisneros Street, 76-D

39007 Santander - Cantabria

  • It is a small Spanish school, which you will be treated in a personal way, no crowds in the classroom.


Available for both general and intensive Spanish courses and also offers individual courses.

  • The school also has specific courses:

    • Technical Spanish course:

      This course offers you the opportunity to learn the technical language of Spanish in different areas. You can freely choose among legal, commercial and tourist areas as well as have access to visit different business sectors from a chosen field.
    • Medical Spanish language course:

      The objective of this course is for the student to learn and improve general Spanish and specialize in medical terminology and to develop knowledge for an improved communication with Spanish speaking patients.
    • Legal Spanish course:

      The course objective is that the student learn and improve his general Spanish, specialize in the legal terminology and develop his knowledge for a better communication with its spanish-speaking costumers.
    • Spanish for teachers:

      The Spanish Courses Unamuno is confirmed by the national Institute of Employment (INEM) as a center of education of teachers since 1991. Its primary objectives are modernizing your Spanish and updating you on the latest methodology techniques. Important: For several years now, the Colegio Unamuno has offered courses for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language in different countries, at the request of some institutions and professional groups that are unable to come to Spain.
    • Preparation for D.E.L.E.:

      (DIPLOMA OF SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) The experience of our teaching staff and the specialization of the course contents make this course the best choice to obtain any of the three different certificates of the D.E.L.E. The D.E.L.E. is the only officially recognized diploma by the Ministry of Education and Science.

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